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BID Board of Directors Meetings

The Georgetown BID holds six Board of Directors meetings per year.

  • BID Board Meetings are open to be observed by BID Members*. However, if you are not a Board Member, we ask that you save any questions or comments for the end of the meeting, when you will have an opportunity to pose them.
  • Additionally, we encourage you to email info@georgetowndc.com if there is an issue you would like the Board to consider for a future agenda topic.
  • We ask all attendees to include their name, as well as the name of their business, as their Zoom ID when they join the meeting (if virtual). We’re asking that people identify themselves so we know which members are in attendance; those who do not identify as being with a BID member business may not be able to continue being on the call.

*A BID Member is the owner or tenant of a taxable commercial real property located within the geographic area of the BID Boundaries. The BID, at its discretion, may also accept Members who own or lease non-taxable commercial or government properties within the boundaries if they make voluntary payments of the BID tax. BID membership is corporate rather than individual.

Upcoming Schedule

MARCH 20 / 12 pm – 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Foley & Lardner (3000 K St NW).

Please RSVP to info@georgetowndc.com if you are not a Board Member but are a BID Member and would like to attend.



Please email info@georgetowndc.com

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