Dumbarton at Dusk: Madison Squeeze at Dumbarton House
See Dumbarton House in a whole new light by joining us for a party the likes of which Washington hasn’t seen in 200 years!
During her husband’s presidency, Dolley Madison was famous for her weekly “squeezes”- a party that combined the political hob-knobbing of presidential levees with the social niceties of the first ladies weekly gatherings. According to a 1885 biography of Mrs. Madison squeezes provided the “opportunity of seeing all [those] whom fashion, fame, beauty, wealth or talents, have render’d celebrated.” Come get your groove on with Washingtonians of all ages and from all walk of like in this modern take on Dolley’s groundbreaking social squeezes!
Fun fact: Dolley’s weekly get-togethers were known as “squeezes” because so many people attended that you had “squeeze” in with everyone to join in the party.
This is a night you won’t want to miss! Light refreshments, live music, a cash bar, and self-guided museum tours are available. Support programs like this with a suggested $5 donation.
For more information on Dolley and her impact on the nation and Washington, check out this article from the White House Historical Association.