Inspired Painter Girl Scout Workshop
Armed with artistic inspiration from the various 18th-19th century art forms at Dumbarton House, Brownies expand their art vocabulary and create their own artwork! Explore how to express yourself in a self-portrait and share a story by painting a mural. This program will cover all 5 steps to earn the Painting Badge. Register your Girl Scout here by selecting “Register for a Girl Scout Badge Workshop” on the Google Form. In-person programs are $15/Girl Scout and $5 per adult. Payment can be made by calling (202) 337-2288 ext.2222. Every in-person Girl Scout program at Dumbarton House includes a tour of the museum, snack, craft activity, and Dumbarton House patch.
Interested in scheduling a private Girl Scout program on a date and time of your choosing just for your troop? We have both virtual and in-person options available. In the form, just select “Request a private Girl Scout Workshop.” There is a minimum of $80 for private programs. Email with questions.