New Mural on Wisconsin Avenue
Go check out Georgetown’s latest mural, “Alma Indigena”, on the side of Los Cuates at 1564 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Artist Victor “Marka27” Quiñonez was inspired by the photography of @diegohuertaphoto and the indigenous people of Jalisco, and created this beautiful piece through the Murals DC project. According to Victor’s Instagram, the mural features an indigenous Wixárika Elder with ingredients used in many native cultures – blue maiz and guajillo peppers. (Photo by Georgetown Metropolitan)

For more unexpected pops of color, unique origin stories, and Instagram-worthy backdrops, take a self-guided tour of the Georgetown murals and public art pieces that are bringing new life to our bricks, buildings, and public spaces. From a look back at life in the late 19th century, to one of JFK’s most famous speeches, and the most recognized ‘big bike’ in DC, our Georgetown Murals and Public Art Guide covers it all.