Summer GLOW Begins July 16 with Alley Art
Stop by Cady’s Alley (3320 Cady’s Alley NW) to check out CANOPIES, the first of three new installations transforming Georgetown’s alleys during Summer GLOW – the Georgetown BID’s free public light art experience that is the second in a two-part series this year. DC artist Hiroshi Jacobs’ work is a celebration of alleys as important public spaces. The form of a canopy evokes a sense of welcoming, inviting the passerby in to experience all that the space has to offer. In this case, the canopy features ribbon-like color patterns that aggregate to create multiple perspectives of this archetypal form. The three-dimensional layering of color and lines creates an ever-changing and dynamic visual moiré effect, encouraging curiosity and movement. Hiroshi’s work is currently on display through September 26, as well as artist Stephanie Mercedes’ popular spring piece, The Weight Of A Rainbow, which will remain in Georgetown Park Plaza (3276 M St NW) during Summer GLOW. The final two installations by local artists Adrienne Gaither and Emily Fussner will be up later this month; visit our website to get a sneak peek, learn more about each artist, and plan your walking tour. More programming announcements will be made this summer!